Hogwarts at Twilight
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So Addicted To You!

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So Addicted To You! Empty So Addicted To You!

Post  Pretty_Twisted Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:06 pm

Ok, so i figured i would post this Jacob/Edward fic i was writing for a friend! Please read, and let me know what you think. I will post one chapter as often as i can. If you like it, i might post my Harry Fic as well...LOL! Which is a bit more darker and depressing then this -

So warning. Boy/Boy in later chapters -

------ Jacob’s POV -------

I walked into the small kitchen, my dad was already gone for the day, he had left a note saying he was fishing with Charlie and he wouldn’t be home until late. I reached across the bench and picked up the phone, checking that it was a decent time before calling Bella – I needed to tell her the news that we had heard while running perimeters last night.

‘Hello’ she answered, her voice layered thick with sleep. I felt a twinge of guilt at waking her up – although we would never be together I still loved her with every fibre in my being and I didn’t want to annoy, upset or harm her in anyway.

‘Hey, Bella’ I said, keeping my deep and husky voice as calm as possible. Unfortunately she knew me too well and her tired voice now became worried and rushed when she spoke ‘Jake, what it is it? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?’ Typical Bella, always worrying about everyone else when we are the super human freaks.

‘Bella, I am fine, really, I just heard something when I was on patrol last night, and I needed to tell you’ I said, pulling up a chair and sitting down – maybe this will make it easier, no chance of falling if I am already down.

‘Ok Jacob, what is it?’ she asked, still sounding as though she was worried. This was going to be hard, I didn’t even know how I was to go about this. If only Sam would have been nice enough to do it for me – I asked and he said no. So unfair.

‘Bella, um, remember how Edward left and said he would never come back?’ I started, still desperate not to over react as she would freak out and be more upset then. ‘Yes, Jacob, but I still don’t want to talk about this, I don’t want to talk about him or you’ she said, sounding frustrated.

Wow, this is so hard – she still loves him, and she will never love me, and that leech coming back is just going to make my chances even worse.

‘Well Bella, please let me finish’ I begged, my grip on the phone tightening. ‘Sure, sure’ she said causing me to chuckle at the way she stole one of my every day sayings. I sighed and regathered my thoughts before I spoke again.

‘Edward is on his way back, he might already be back’ I said, rushing through it quickly and honestly hoping she hadn’t caught it all. No such luck – ‘Jacob, what do you mean? Is he coming back here, to Forks?’ she asked, her voice cracking as her tears began rolling down her face.

I wished I could be there with her – I knew I should have done this face to face – that way the least I could do was comfort her.

‘Bella, are you ok?’ I asked, knowing she wasn’t but would lie to me anyway. ‘Jacob, I just need to go’ she said before the click of the phone met my ear followed by the beeping of an engaged line.

I sighed deeply and threw thew the phone onto the bench.

My thoughts ran toward the Cullen’s. Why did they need to come back now – Bella had taken off, left me here while she went and saved that bloodsucker in Italy, and he still didn’t stay, he took off again at the first chance he could. There was no way I was going to stand around while he came back into Bella’s life. She had slowly moved on – not with me like I want – but things did get intense between us, so I still have hope it will happen.

I walked toward the living room with the intention of having a long hot shower to clear my head when the phone rang. Maybe I should just ignore it I thought, continuing toward the bathroom.

My impatience got the better of me and a second later I had picked up the phone. ‘Hello’ I answered, fighting to control the anger that was coursing through my body. “Jacob, it is Sam, we need to talk, the Cullen’s are getting back any minute now, we want to meet them before they get onto their own land, there are somethings we need to discuss’ he rushed, not waiting for me to say anything as he hung up the phone.

Damn leeches – first they leave and Bella is hurting – now they are coming back at an inconvenient time – can they do anything right?

I grabbed the strap I used to hold my clothing to my leg when I phased and ran out the door, heading into the nearby forest, stripping my pants off and tying them to my leg as I left, the heat washed from the centre of me all the way through my body, feeling like my bones and blood was on fire, then in a split second I had phased into the russet coloured wolf – my head already full of chatter.

Jake! Finally, come on we need to move Sam said. I followed the feelings in my head and the scenery that I had from Sam’s own thoughts and met him in the middle of the forest, right on the treaty line. The point where the Cullen’s or any other vampire was not allowed to cross.

Not to happy about this are you Jake? Leah said, her annoying voice grating on my nerves at the sheer pleasure and excitement in her tone – I knew she didn’t like Bella, but I didn’t think she would want drama like this to take place.

Leah cut it out came Embry’s voice as he and Quil reached me and all three of us met with Sam.

I beat you again Leah gloated as she was already there, sitting across from Sam, her head raised in pride and a toothy wolf grin on her stupid face. I wished I could take a bite out of her, and I knew the others could feel my anger as well because Sam stepped between us and motioned for us all to follow him.

I could smell them before I seen them. My nose was burning and my eyes stinging. Stupid reeking leeches. Why couldn’t we be in human form I complained at least the smell wouldn’t be as strong.

Sam’s large black head faced mine and he looked at me as though I was crazy, the feelings coming from him where enough for me not to push it or complain about it any further.

Shouldn’t one of us be in our human form to communicate with them? Seth asked – he was new, a happy little punk and only recently changed – so he didn’t know about the bloodsuckers extra talents just yet – he didn’t understand it all.

They don’t know who we are – they might attack I thought, knowing that the Cullen’s had not seen any of us in this form before. Even I had never had the displeasure of meeting Edward Cullen when Bella was with him.

Edward can read minds according to you, so he will know that we are not a threat so he will pass that on to his family Sam thought, hoping to relax everyone.

Well if he doesn’t do that we can always fight him – I would love to get a piece of that bloodsucker I thought, a loud and guttural growl escaping my mouth.

Quiet Sam thought, knowing now that the vampires were about to come through the trees to the point where we could see them.

Because of our enhanced hearing I could hear Edward Cullen explaining to someone else – or maybe all of them – not that I cared – that we were no threat and that we just needed to discuss something with them.

My body was itching for them to get closer – I wanted to fight them – I wanted to tear Edward Cullen apart because of what he did to Bella. I sure do hope he is hurting as much as Bella had said.

I heard Leah let out a groan as a sign of complaint at all the anger and malice in my thoughts.

Keep your thoughts to yourself Jacob Sam said, pushing me with his large head so that I almost fell on the floor.

The pack found this rather amusing. Sure, lets all laugh at Jacob – like I don’t have enough to worry about at the moment.

The Cullen’s came over the hill and into view at a normal pace – for vampires they sure weren’t acting like it.

A chorus of growls sounded through the air at one time – everyone except Sam anyway – he was still and silent. He was always so composed.

‘Good Evening’ a blonde – the doctor I assumed called, walking over but standing slightly in front of the woman with the reddish brown hair.

Now that they were closer the smell was blinding, all of my senses seemed to be burning – how in the hell did Bella ever think they smelt nice.

‘Would one of you mind changing into your human form so we can discuss this easier, we do not wish any of you harm’ the blonde said again raising his arms as though in surrender.

Jacob – go now Sam ordered. Why me? I thought as I listened to his command and ran into a nearby bush and changed back into my human form, hastily pulling on the pants that were tied to my leg.

When I walked back I realised the smell was still bad, although not as strong, and there was something different about it – something almost nice.

‘Thank you’ the blonde said, bowing his head a little bit before continuing ‘we know all about the treaty and we will still follow the rules – but there is a small problem – one I would think the pack would like to hear about’ he said, looking past us and into the forest, his golden brown eyes glistening in the rain.

‘I am sorry, how rude of me – I didn’t introduce myself or my family’ he said, clearly seeing the confusion on my face.

‘I am Dr Cullen, or you can call me Carlisle. This is my wife, Esme. And our children, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper and Edward’ he said, gesturing to each one as he said their names.

I looked at all of them and did the best I could to smile and act civil – I didn’t look at Edward though – I knew I would end up snapping and losing it if I did. So instead I just looked back at the doctor.

Lets get this over with already I thought as I watched the doctor contemplating something.

‘Ok – so is there a reason you came back?’ I blurted out, unable to contain it anymore. I wondered if they knew I hated them for returning, Edward probably knew – stupid mind reading freak.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Dr Cullen spoke again ‘actually yes, we have reason to believe that a rogue vampire, Victoria’ he said, a low growl coming from my lips at Victoria’s name.

‘What about Victoria?’ I demanded, remembering the things Bella had told me before. ‘She is on her way back here, she wants to get Bella’ he finished. It amazed me that for a stone he showed emotion like that.

All of the pack let out long and different ranged howls at the same time. ‘She can’t touch Bella’ I snapped, my entire body shaking now, the anger threatening to bubble over and invoke the change.

I felt Sam move closer, his head near my shoulder. ‘Wow, they are giant’ I heard the one named Emmett whisper as Sam approached. Good, maybe they would be scared of us and learn to show us respect.

‘We do not want anything to happen to Bella either Jacob Black’ the doctor said, a slight, unnecessary breath escaping his lips.

‘Nobody will hurt a hair on Bella’s head’ I heard Edward whisper from the back of the group. For the first time since they arrived I looked over at him, our eyes met for a split second and in that moment I felt my world shift.

It was weird, one minute it felt like I was being tied down to the world by a million different iron ropes – but now – looking at the vampire with the bronze hair and golden brown, liquid eyes – it was like their was only one thing holding me here now – it was him.

Oh crap, I didn’t, no there is no way I thought, falling to the floor near Sam. I seen Dr Cullen make movement as though he was going to help, but he stopped before he reached me when the pack all began another round of growling.

I couldn’t get up; my legs were like jelly and my brain felt fried. I wanted to be sick, but then at the same time I wanted to grab Edward and take him into my arms. I stopped thinking, hoping he hadn’t caught any of that.

I looked at him again, his liquid gold eyes were on me, he seemed to be concentrating – I hoped he didn’t know enough about our kind to know what was going on. It seemed he didn’t, but I knew he would figure it out eventually.

Sam phased back into his human form before I had even blinked, he helped me up and walked with me toward the back of the pack.

‘Can we discuss this further tonight, we will meet you here at midnight?’ Sam said, holding me up when my legs wanted to buckle again.

Dr Cullen nodded and led his family away – back toward their house.

It was hard not to follow them, I wanted to tell the leech – to tell Edward what had happened – but then I couldn’t. He hates me and that will never change, and you can only be what your imprintee wants you to be.

‘Come on Jacob, we need to talk, we want to know what is wrong’ Sam said, helping me walk back toward civilization.

Crap, how was I going to tell them I had imprinted on our mortal enemy, how was I going to tell them that I had imprinted on a guy. How was I going to tell Bella?
Head Of Slytherin House
Head Of Slytherin House

Posts : 66
Join date : 2009-10-11
Age : 36
Location : With my Jakey!


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